NME 2015 Conference Position on Violence

Middle Eastern Nurses Uniting in Human Caring: Reframing Violence as a Caritas Nurse


In recognizing that violence in the healthcare setting is a global issue, we the Nurses in the Middle East (MNE) of the Caring Science Institute set out to reframe violence in the healthcare setting.  By utilizing our tools as a Caritas Nurse we aim to see the underlying cause of the troubles/crisis and by doing so de-escalate before the situation reaches crisis.

Position Statement

Violence in the Healthcare setting is a global concern.  Although many nursing organizations and global health organizations have reached out to help define Violence the support by the infrastructures within the healthcare community and the governments within whom they lay has been minimal.  Healthcare workers around the world are putting their lives on the line just by doing their job.

Violence comes in many forms: Criminal Intent, Patient/Family to Worker, Co-Worker to Co-Worker and Personal Relationships outside the workplace that can interfere with our daily routines.  Violence manifests from Crisis, and by recognizing the stages of Crisis we as Caritas Nurses can implement certain tools to help de-escalate the situation at hand.

·       We recognize that all people deserve tolerance, protection and dignity

·       We believe that through Communication, Education and Authenticity we can reach an understanding

·       We believe that by understanding our self we can promote human to human connectedness

·       We recognize that by being non-judgmental in our thoughts and words we can create a calming environment in which open communication and heart felt connections can develop

·       We also recognize that regulations must be enabled within our workplace environment and in local and regional governments to protect those most at risk.


Watson Caring Science Institute 3rd Annual Conference of Middle Eastern Nurses – Human Caring in a Time of World Crisis: Transcending Culture and Boundaries, brought together nurses from across the Middle East – Palestine, Jerusalem, Israel, Bahrain, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Dubai – and the USA to discuss the issues that face us daily.

Violence in the Health Care Setting is making headlines around the world.  The World Health Organization, Emergency Nurses Association, Joint Commission and the American Nurses Association are just some of the coalitions who have made strong statements for the protection of the healthcare workforce and have called for legislation to hold accountable those who target them.

The MEN of the Caring Science Institute believe strongly in the Core Concepts of the Human Caring Theory:

·       That there is a relational caring for self and others

·       That there is a moral commitment to protect and enhance human dignity

·       That Heart-Centered Encounters with another person can happen

·       That there is more than one way of learning and knowing – science, art, personal, cultural, spiritual

·       That through an understanding of self through reflection/meditation we can have an increasing consciousness to the humanism of our self and others

·       That Caring is inclusive, circular and expansive

·       And that Caring changes self, others and the culture of groups and environments.

It is through this foundation that we seek to be leaders within our healthcare organization and local community. 


Watson Caring Science Institute & International Caritas Consortium. Middle Eastern Nurses & Partners United in Human Caring. Downloaded February 21, 2015 from http://watsoncaringscience.org/education-programs/intro-to-human-caring/middle-eastern-nurses-project/

Watson, J. (2008). Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring (rev.ed.), Boulder: University Press of Colorado

ILO/ICN/WHO/PSI (2002). Framework Guidelines for Addressing Workplace Violence in the Health Sector. Geneva: ILO/ICN/WHO/PSI Joint Programme on Workplace Violence in the Health Sector